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Krieg Gaza: Anzahl tote Palästinenser – 928, darunter 764 Zivilisten, 215 Kinder, 118 Frauen / Israel will weiter machen

VonPeter Patzow

Juli 26, 2014 #featured

Der Israel Krieg gegen die Palästinenser geht mit Stand 26. Juli 2014 in den 19. Tag. Das Palästinensischen Zentrum für Menschenrechte (PCHR), einer von der EU geförderten Nichtregierungsorganisation (NGO) mit Sitz in Gaza City, teilt täglich mit, wie viele Menschen im Gaza-Krieg umgekommen sind. Die Anzahl der von Israel getöteten Palästinenser geht nun auf die 1.000 zu. Das Antikriegsportal kriegsberichterstattung.com publiziert diese Zahlen regelmäßig – so auch in diesem Beitrag.

Am 19. Tag der israelischen Offensive im Gazastreifen: Vor der Erklärung des humanitären Waffenstillstands eskalierte der Angriff der israelischen Streitkräfte gegen palästinensische Zivilisten wieder einmal: 20 Mitglieder einer Familie, darunter 11 Kinder und fünf Frauen, wurden getötet. Damit erhöht sich die Anzahl der in den vergangenen 19 Tagen durch Israels Armee getöteten Palästinenser im Gazastreifen nach Angaben der PCHR auf 928. Davon seien 764 Zivilisten gewesen, wovon wiederum 215 Kinder und 118 Frauen seien. Hinzu kämen 4.663 zum Teil schwer Verletzte, wobei die meisten ebenfalls Zivilisten, darunter 1.358 Kinder und 932 Frauen:

Außerdem habe die israelische Armee gezielt 561 Häuser zerstört und Hunderte weitere zum Teil erheblich beschädigt. Außerdem seien Tausende Zivilisten gewaltsam vertrieben worden. So schreibt das Palästinensische Zentrum für Menschenrechte (PCHR; Palestinian Centre for Human Rights):

„Die israelischen Besatzungstruppen haben ihre brutale und unmoralisch Offensive im Gazastreifen den 19 Tag in Folge fortgesetzt und verfolgen dabei die kollektive Bestrafung in der Missachtung des Völkerrechts und des humanitären Völkerrechts. Auch wird der Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung in Kriegszeiten nicht gewährleisten, was ein Verstoß gegen die Grundsätze der Notwendigkeit der Verhältnismäßigkeit und Differenzierung ist.

Israelische Streitkräfte haben ihre Angriffe aus der Luft, Erde und dem Meer im ganzen Gazastreifen fortgesetzt, was zu mehr zivilen Opfern und noch mehr Schäden an zivilen Einrichtungen geführt hat. Die israelischen Streitkräfte eskalierten ihre Angriffe im ganzen Gazastreifen. Sie griffen Zivilisten, Häuser und andere zivile Einrichtungen an. Bevor eine humanitäre Waffenruhe in Kraft getreten ist an diesem Morgen, eskalierten die israelischen Streitkräfte ihre Angriffe gegen palästinensische Zivilisten im ganzen Gazastreifen.

In einer anderen schweren Straftat töteten die israelischen Streitkräfte 20 Mitglieder einer Familie, darunter 11 Kinder und fünf Frauen. Dies geschah, als ein israelisches Kampfflugzeug ihr Haus bombardierte. Seit dem Morgen haben medizinische Teams versucht, die Körper von 45 Palästinensern, darunter zwei Kinder und zwei Frauen aus den Straßen zu holen. Sie waren in den vergangenen Tagen durch die israelischen Streitkräfte getötet worden.

Die israelischen Streitkräfte griffen aber auch medizinische Rettungsteams an und töteten zwei Sanitäter und verletzten vier weitere. Somit ist die Anzahl des medizinischen Personals, welches durch die israelischen Streitkräfte während dieser Offensive getötet worden ist, auf 7 gestiegen. Weitere 16 Rettungsdienst-Mitarbeiter wurden verletzt.

PCHR Feldarbeiter waren nicht in der Lage, Informationen aus den Grenzgebieten im Gazastreifen zu sammeln, denn die Situation ist extrem gefährlich in diesen Bereichen. Die folgenden Angaben basieren auf den Informationen, die die Feldarbeiter in der Lage waren, auf der Basis sammeln.

From 10:00 on Friday, 25 July 2014 to 10:00 on Saturday, 26 July 2014, according to the information, PCHR has been able to obtain, 75 Palestinians, 52 of whom are civilians, including 18 children and 8 women, were killed. Additionally, 246 Palestinians, mostly civilians, were wounded – this number includes 78 children and 40 women. Medical crews recovered bodies of 45 Palestinians, including 2 children and 2 women, who were killed by Israeli forces in the past few days. Israeli warplanes also targeted and destroyed 9 houses.

The latest developments since the press release issued by PCHR yesterday noon have been as follows:“

The Northern Gaza Strip:

Israeli warplanes launched 31 airstrikes and Israeli tanks and gunboats fired dozens of shells targeting houses, a hospital and ambulances. As a result of these attacks, 3 Palestinian civilians, including a woman and a paramedic, were killed, and 105 others, including 33 children and 15 women, were wounded. Medical crews recovered bodies of 11 Palestinian, including a civilian couple, who were killed during the Israeli ground operation in the northern Gaza Strip.
The most significant attacks were as follows:

– At approximately 15:30 on Friday, 25 July 2014, medical sources at Shifa Hospital declared that ‘Aa’esha Suleiman al-Shanbari, 72, died of wounds she had sustained when Israeli forces attacked an UNRWA shelter in Beit Hanoun on 24 July 2014.

– At approximately 16:30, an Israeli tank fired a shell at an ambulance of Palestine Red Crescent Society, plate no. 511, that was on its way to evacuate a number of wounded Palestinians from al-Masriyeen Street in Beit Hanoun. As a result, ‘Aa’ed Mahmoud al-Bura’ei, 28, a paramedic, was killed, and another 2 paramedics were moderately wounded: Jawad Fayez Budair, 50; and Hatem Shaheen, 36. An hour later, an ambulance of Palestine Red Crescent Society headed to the area following coordination via the ICRC to evacuate al-Bura’ei’s body. When the ambulance arrived at the area, Israeli forces fired at it. As a result, Rami al-Hajj ’Ali, 35, a paramedic, was wounded by a gunshot to the foot. The ambulance was extensively damaged.

– At approximately 22:00, medical sources at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City declared that Rami Faisal al-Shishi, 30, from Beit Lahia, died of wounds he had sustained on Thursday, 24 July 2014, when Israeli forces shelled his house.
– At approximately 22:30, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a house belonging to Hashem Saleem in the east of Jabalya. The house was extensively damaged.

– At approximately 23:00, Israeli tanks fired a number of shells at Beit Hanoun Hospital. A number of buildings of the hospital were extensively damaged, and 3 staff members were wounded. This attack on the hospital was the fifth during this offensive.

– At approximately 00:10 on Saturday, 26 July 2014, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a number of members of a Palestinian armed group in Jabalya. At the time of the attack an UNRWA car was passing in the area. The car was damaged.
– In morning, following the declaration of a humanitarian truce, medical crews recovered bodies of 11 Palestinians, including 2 civilians. The civilian victims were identified as: Fawzi Ahmed Abu ‘Amsha, 60; and his wife, Ne’ma Mohammed Abu ‘Amsha, 55.

Gaza City:

Israeli warplanes launched several airstrikes and Israeli gunboats and tanks fired shells targeting houses, agricultural plots and open areas. As a result of these attacks, 18 Palestinians, including 13 civilians one of whom is a child, were killed, and the bodies of 10 Palestinians were recovered from the areas invaded by Israeli forces. Additionally, 25 Palestinians, including 7 children and 3 women, were wounded. Two houses were also damaged.

The most significant attacks in Gaza City were as follows:

– At approximately 12:00 on Friday, 25 July 2014, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at the vicinity of al-Iman Mosque in al-Mughraqa village, south of Gaza City. As a result, Hassan Hussein al-Hawari, 25, and Naji Ziad Abu Ammouna, 25, were killed.

– At approximately 12:30, Israeli snipers positioned in al-Shuja’iya neighborhood in the east of Gaza City shot dead Waleed Sa’id Nasser al-Harazin, 7, with a bullet to the head, when he was with his father who was checking their house.

– At approximately 13:00, bodies of 3 members of Palestinian armed group were evacuated to Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. They were killed in a house in al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the southeast of Gaza City on 24 July 2014.

– At approximately 16:00, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a 3-storey house in al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the southeast of Gaza City. As a result, 2 members of a Palestinian armed group who were inside the house were killed.

– At approximately 17:00, a Palestinian civilian whose body was found under the debris of houses in al-Zaytoun neighborhood was identified as Mohammed Sa’id Khaled Hejji, 24. He was apparently killed by Israeli selling a few days ago.

– At approximately 20:30, a number of Israeli artillery shells hit a house belonging to ‘Abdullah Ibrahim Abu Leila, 51, in al-Zaytoun neighborhood. As a result, Avu Leila was killed together with 3 other persons who were in the house: Abdul Majid ‘Abdullah al-‘Aaidi, 36; Mohammed ‘Abdul Nasser Abu Zaina, 22; and Yousef Kamal Mohammed al-Wassifi, 23.

– At approximately 01:00 on Saturday, 26 July 2014, an Israeli drone fired a missile at 2 Palestinian civilians who were near Abu ‘Olba Square in Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in the north of Gaza City, killing them. They were identified as: Islam Ibrahim al-Naji, 19; and Mohammed Hosni Sa’id al-Saqqa, 20.

– At approximately 02:30, Israeli drones fired 2 missiles at a house belonging to Ismail ‘Abdul Qader ‘Abdul ‘Aziz al-Kujok, 54, in al-Jalaa’ neighborhood in the north of Gaza City. As a result, al-Kujok was killed together with Hussam ‘Abdul Ghani Ahmed Yassin, 18. Fadel Fa’eq al-‘Atawna, 32, evacuated their bodies to Shifa Hospital. When he was on his way back home, an Israeli drone fired a missile at his car killing him.

– At approximately 06:00, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a 3-storey house belonging to Mahmnoud Ahmed Shatat, in which 15 people live, in al-Nafaq neighborhood. As a result, the house was extensively damaged.

– This morning, after a limited humanitarian truce entered into force, bodies of the following persons were brought to Shifa Hospital: Amjd Nahidh al-Sairafi, 22; Hazem Yousef al-Mubayedh, 30; ‘Abdullah Nabeel al-Batash, 22; Salem Khalil al-Shamali, 21, a Civil Defense volunteer; ‘Azmi Khaled Badwan, 16; Shareef Jalal al-Qirshalli, 26; ‘Abdul Raziq Sha’ban al-‘Amrain, 27; Mohammed Saleh al-Ghumnari, 23; ‘Aziza ‘Atiya Abu Shanab, 60; and ‘Abdul Karim ‘Ali Abu Shanab, 39. Medical crews are still searching for dead or wounded Palestinians.

The Central Gaza Strip:

Israeli warplanes launched 10 airstrikes and tanks fired dozens of shells targeting houses, agricultural lands and open areas. As a result of these attacks, 11 Palestinians, including 8 civilians, were killed – the civilian victims include 6 children. The bodies of 13 Palestinians, including a woman and a child, were recovered from the areas invaded by Israeli forces.

Additionally, 62 Palestinians, including 25 children and 13 women, were wounded. Four houses were also destroyed.
The most significant attacks were as follows:

– At approximately 10:00 on Friday, 25 July 2014, Israeli tanks positioned to the east of the central Gaza Strip fired a number of shells. Two shells landed near Mohammed al-Qayidh’s house in Wadi al-Salqa village, east of Deir al-Balah, killing his child, 15-year-old Walaa’.

– At approximately 11:00, an Israeli drone fired a missile at members of a Palestinian armed group in al-Mughraqa village. Two members were killed and a third one was seriously wounded.

– At approximately 12:00, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a house belonging to Sa’id ‘Ali al-Thuhaini, in which 11 people live, in al-Nussairat refugee camp. The house was destroyed.

– At approximately 14:30, Israeli tanks positioned to the east of the central Gaza Strip fired a number of shells at al-Nussairat refugee camp. A shell hit a house belonging to Anwar Suleiman Salem al-Darazin. As a result, 5 civilians, including 3 children, were killed: ‘Abdul Karim and Moahmmed Anwar Suleiman al-Darazin, 5 and 3 respectively; Nour Mohammed Salama Abu Dabbagh, 12; al-Darazin’s cousin, 32; Ahmed Ramzi Abu Qoddous, 13. Eight civilians were also wounded.

– At approximately 00:30 on Saturday, 26 July 2014, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at 3-storey house belonging to Harbi Sami al-Qassem, in which 40 people live. The house was damaged.

– At approximately 01:00, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a 3-storey house belonging to the heirs of ‘Awad Ahmed Ramadan, in which 30 people live. Soon after, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at the house and destroyed it.
– At approximately 05:00, Israeli drones fired 3 missiles at a 5-storey house belonging to Hassan Mousa Qandil, in which 20 people live. Soon after, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at the house and destroyed it.

– At approximately 08:00, the body of Anwar ‘Abdul Qader Hassan Yousef, 2, we evacuated to the hospital. He died from a heart attack when Israeli forces shelled the vicinity of his family’s home in al-Nussairat refugee camp.

– In the morning, medical crews recovered the bodies of 13 Palestinians who were killed by Israeli forces in the past days. The victims were identified as: Ahmed Ussama bakir, 19; Hani ‘Aadel Abu Hashish, 23; Khaled ‘Ouda Abu Shihada, 23; ‘Abdul Rahman ‘Ouda al-Tilbani, 20; Mohammed Ahmed Abu Dawaba, 20; Mohammed ‘Ali Khalil Saidam, 17; ‘Arafat Salem Abu ‘Owaili, 25; Ghassan Taher Abu Kmail, 25; Mohammed Fayez al-Shareef, 55; Ibrahim ‘Ouda Barrak, 19; Bilal Bassam al-Masri, 21; Mazen Yousef Abu Jraiban, 32; and Khadra Ibrahim Abu Ballima, 65.

Khan Yunis:

Israeli warplanes launched 21 airstrikes targeting houses, agricultural plots and open areas in the southern Gaza Strip town of Khan Yunis. Israeli tanks also fired dozens of shells at agricultural and open areas. As a result, 35 Palestinians, including 11 children and 7 women, were killed. A child died of previous wounds. Medical crews were able to recover the bodies of 12 Palestinians who were killed in the east of Khan Yunis a few days ago. Additionally, 50 Palestinians, including 8 women and 12 children, were wounded. Seven houses were also attacked and destroyed.

The most significant attacks were as follows:

– At approximately 11:15 on Friday, 25 July 2014, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at a house belonging to Ashraf al-Najjar in Bani Suhaila village, east of Kahn Yunis. As a result, Najat Ibrahim al-Najjar, 24, was killed and 5 others were wounded.

– Also at approximately 11:15, civil defense and medical crews were able to recover the body of Eyad Nasser ‘Abdu Shurrab from the debris of his house that was bombarded by Israeli warplanes at night.

– At approximately 11:55, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a number of Palestinian civilians in al-Zanna area in Bani Suhaila village. As a result, 2 civilians were killed: Mohammed Khalil al-Buraim, 25; and Mohammed Suleiman Hussein Sammour, 45. Four civilians were also wounded.

– At approximately 12:00, medical crews recovered the body of Shareef Mohammed Khalil Hassan, 27, from al-Fukhari area in the southeast of Khan Yunis, who had been killed by Israeli shelling earlier. He apparently bled to death.

– Also at approximately 12:00, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at a number of Palestinian civilians in ‘Abassan village, east of Khan Yunis, killing 2 of them: Mohammed Khalil Hamad, 18; and Mamdouh Ibrahim al-Shawaf, 25.

– At approximately 13:10, medical sources declared that Ahmed Waleed Nasrallah Sammour, 9, died of wounded he had sustained by Israeli shelling in Bani Suhaila village on 19 July 2014.

– At approximately 16:10, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at a motorbike in al-Zanna area in Bani Suhaila village. As a result, Ussama Salem Shaheen, 27, and Hamada Suleiman Abu Younis, 25, were killed.

– At approximately 19:00, an Israeli war plane launched a missile at a 2-storey house belonging to Mahmoud ‘Awni Yahia al-‘Abadla, in which 20 people live, in al-Qarara village. The house was destroyed.

– At approximately 19:05, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a number of Palestinian civilians who were on their agricultural lands in al-Satar al-Gharbi area in the north of Khan Yunis. As a result, Yassin Mustafa Mohammed al-Astal, 38, was killed, and 4 others were wounded.

– At approximately 21:15, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a motorbike in Bani Suhaila village. As a result, a passing woman, Yusra Salem al-Buraim, 65, was killed and the rider was seriously wounded. Another 4 civilians were also wounded by shrapnel.

– In the evening, Israeli forces that had moved into Khuza’a village, fired at Mohammed Taqfiq Qudaih, 58, before the eyes of his family. He bled to death. Members of the family were able to get out of the village, while Qudaih’s body remained in the area.

– At approximately 23:10, Israeli forces fired at an ambulance that was evacuating a disabled civilian in al-Qarara. As a result, Mohammed Hassan al-‘Abadla, 32, a paramedic was wounded. He bled to death. Israeli forces attacked the ambulance although it entered the area following prior coordination.

– At approximately 03:10 on Saturday, 26 July 2014, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at a 2-storey house belonging to Sameer Hussein Mohammed al-Najjar, in which 20 people live, in Sheikh Nasser areas in the east of Khan Yunis. As a result 20 members of the family, including 11 children and 5 women, were killed: Sameer Hussein Mohammed al-Najjar, 58; Ghalia Mohammed al-Najjar, 56; Majd, Kifah and Samar Sameer al-Najjar, 19, 24 and 26 respectively; Ameer, Islam and Ameera Hammouda Hussein al-Najjar, 2, 3 and 8 month respectively; Riham Fayez al-Najjar, 25, pregnant; Ulfat, Sameer, Mo’taz and Hussein Sameer al-Najjar, 4, 2 and 6 respectively; Iman Salah Mahmoud al-Najjar, 23, pregnant; Ghalia Mohammed Sameer al-Najjar, 1; Bara’a Salah Mahmoud al-Reqeb, 11; Khalil Mohmammed al-Najjar, 60; Rawan and Ahmed Khaled Mohammed al-Najjar, 17 and 14 respectively; Sumaya Harb al-Najjar, 50; and Hani Suleiman Mohammed al-Najar, 7.

– In the early morning, Israeli tanks positioned in the east of Khan Yunis fired dozens of shells at Palestinian houses and agricultural lands in al-Qarara village. Israelu warplanes also bombarded and destroyed 4 houses belonging to Ibrahim ‘Abdul Ghafour, Khalil ‘Abdul Ghafour, ‘Abdul Hakim al-Astal and Faiza al-‘Abadla during the Israeli incursion into the village. Many houses were also damaged and the infrastructure of the village was extensively damaged.

– At approximately 05:45, Israeli warplanes launched 8 airstrikes on al-Qarara village.

– In the morning, medical crews were able to recovered bodies of 12 Palestinians who were killed in the areas invaded by Israeli forces in Khan Yunis. The victima were identified as: Ashraf Qassem Mansour Wafi, 24; Salman Hamed Salman al-‘Omour, 21; Rif’at Nabeel ‘Owaida, 26; Bahaa’ Rabee’ Tawfiq ‘Owaida, 34; Tayseer Mohammed ‘Aayesh al-Najjar, 40; Edris ‘Abdul Karim Mohammed al-Najjar; Na’el Ramadan ‘Owaida, 25; Ahmed Barham ‘Olayan Abu Daqqa, 25; Ibrahim Salman Qabalan, 32; Mousa Hussam Mousa Abu Ishaq, 25; Hamza Fawzi Qudaih, 23; and ‘Abdul Hamid al-Mughrabi, 34.


Israeli warplanes launched 6 airstrikes and Israeli tanks fired dozens of shells targeting houses, agricultural lands, open area and a vegetable refrigerator in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah. As a result, 6 Palestinians, including 3 civilians, were killed – the civilian victims include a woman. Additionally, 4 Palestinians, including a child and a woman, were wounded. .
The most significant attacks were as follows:

– At approximately 15:00 on Friday, 25 July 2014, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a member of a Palestinian armed group near al-Shouka village, southeast of Rafah. He was instantly killed. A few meters away from the area, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a member of a Palestinian armed group who was inside his house in al-Shouka village.

– At approximately 15:15, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at a tunnel. Near Saladin Gate in the south of Rafah. As a result, a member of a Palestinian armed group was killed and another one is still missing.

– At approximately 19:30, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a motorbike in al-Nasser village, northeast of Rafah. As a result, ‘Adnan Salman ‘Abdin, 25, who was riding the motorbike, was wounded. When a number of his relatives attempted to evacuate him in a civilian car to the hospital, the Israeli drone fired another missile at them. As a result, ‘Abdin and the driver of the car, Saleh Eshtaiwi Ibrahim ‘Aabdin, 42, were killed, and 3 others were wounded.

– At approximately 17:15, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at an agricultural plot near the debris of Gaza International Airport in the southeast of Rafah.

– At approximately 01:15 on Saturday, 26 July 2014, Israeli tanks fired a number of shells at houses in al-Shouka and al-Nasser villages, southeast and northeast of Rafah respectively. The shelling continued sporadically until 06:00. No casualties were reported.

– At approximately 03:10, Israeli gunboats fired a number of shells at houses in the west of Rafah. No casualties were reported.

– At approximately 10:00, medical crews recovered the body of Hiam ‘Abdul Karim Abu Mour, 38, from al-Shouka village. She was killed by Israeli artillery shelling 9 days ago. Since then, Israeli forces had not allowed ambulances to enter the area and evacuate the body.

PCHR reiterates condemnation, expresses utmost concern for these crimes, and:

1) Warns of deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip in light of this continuous Israeli military escalation, threats to expand military operations, and the continued tightened closure of the Gaza Strip;

2) Calls upon the international community to act immediately to stop these crimes, and renews the call to the High Contracting Parties of the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their obligation under Article 1 of the Convention to ensure that it is respected at all times, and their responsibilities under Article 146 to pursue perpetrators of serious violations of the Convention, which are determined in Article 147, which lists violations of the Convention amounting to war crimes; and
3) Calls for establishing a UN fact-finding mission to investigate suspected war crimes committed by Israeli forces against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, and take necessary steps to prosecute responsible for them.


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